Friday, March 18, 2011

William the conqueror , the first Norman king , establish a centralized government in England by introducing a modified form of feudalism in the country in which every feudal lord was required to take an oath of loyalty to the king . his great grandson Henry 11 firmly established government authority bu introducing the system of travelling justice who fostered the growth of a law 'common' to all the people . but 
durng the reign of king john the royal authority was undermined by the Maegan car ta ( the great charter) of 1215 . though it was a charter which demanded redress of the grievances of the feudal lords yet subsequent tradition transformed it into a charter of British liberty , some of its articles like the famous provision that no free man should ce arrested , imprisoned or exiled in any way save by the lawful judgement of his peers or the law of the land because the corner-stone of liberty of the Englishman . later on , the same principle was given a far broader interpretation and application than its sponsors had imagined . it also laid down the fundamental principle of parliamentary democracy that the king should not have unlimited powers and that abuses of power might be arrested. it also stipulated that certain kinds of taxes could not be imposed by the king without the petition of rights , d1d6d28 and the bill of rights , 1689 laid down the fundamentals of the British constitutions.


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