Gradual Evolution Of Marketing

Friday, March 18, 2011

 Marketing is not merely a modern field. markets for purchase and sale of goods and even dlaves and animals existinng even in pre-christ times in ancient Egypt, Greece,Rome<Babylon etc . We hear of foreig markets which existed due to international trade even during pre islamic period, when Meccan Quraish as well as Yamenite trading tems visited Syria for merchandise exxchange.

it was manily for the purpose of foreign marketing that new world were open up through long Sea voyages during Middle age, Shipleads of Shoh-Asian spices and other commodities flooded European markets . For the purpose of trading and marketing in East Asian countries ,East India Company ws fomed in England in the Seventeenth century . This Company obtained trading and marketing concessions from Moghal emperors which ultimately resulted in the establishment of huge British Empire not only in India , but also in Cylon , Burma, Hong Kong etc Thus trade and marketing assisted Euopean countries to set-u and ested their empires in sothern asia , North  and South Africa and in America


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