media and advertisement

Friday, March 18, 2011


Advertising consists of all the activities involved in presentaing to group a non personal  , oral or visal , openly sponsored message regarding a product , service or idea . This message , alled an advertisement , is dissminated through one or more media and is paid for by the identified sponsor .

some omportant consideration should be noted in connection with this definition . First , ther is a significant distinction between advertising and an advertisement . the advertisement is the message it self . advertising is a process - it is a program or a series of activities nessary to prepare the message and get it to the intended market . Anothe rpoint is that the public knows who is behind the advertising because the sponsoer is openly identified in the advertisement . Also payment is made by sonsor to the media that carry the massage  .

as advertising is one of a number of a variable elements of marketing strategy , opertating in a constantly shifting market environment , it is virtually impossible


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